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Systematic Name: β-D-fructofuranosyl α-D-glucopyranoside

Abbreviated Form: b-D-Fruf-(2↔1)-a-D-Glcp

Condensed Form: Fruf(b2-1a)Glc

Synonym: saccharose

CAS Number: 57-50-1 (unlabeled sucrose)

Molecular Formula: C12H22O11

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Price (US Dollars)
Does not include shipping & handling
0.050 g0.10 g0.25 g0.50 g1.0 g
SUC-001 [1-13Cfru]sucrose  2304357601340
SUC-003 [1-13Cglc]sucrose 305570112021104005
SUC-009 [1,2-13C2glc]sucrose Request Price
SUC-005 [1-13Cfru;1-13Cglc]sucrose 425785156029455610
SUC-002 [UL-13C6fru]sucrose 18031563011102010
SUC-007 [UL-13C6glc]sucrose 325595118522504275
SUC-006 [UL-13C12]sucrose 435805161029455345
SUC-004 [6,6'-2H2fru]sucrose 18031563011102010
SUC-008 [UL-2H14]sucrose 8651610   
SUC-010 [UL-2H22]sucrose Request Price
SUC-011 [6,6'-2H2glc;6,6'-2H2fru]sucrose Request Price
SUC-012 [6,6'-2H2glc;1,1',6,6'-2H4fru]sucrose Request Price

Listed product prices do not include shipping and handling charges.