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Systematic Name: erythro-tetrose

CAS Number: 583-50-6 (unlabeled D-erythrose)

CAS Number: 533-49-3 (unlabeled L-erythrose)

Molecular Formula: C4H8O4

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below to view more information on the product,
including structure and molecular weight
Price (US Dollars)
Does not include shipping & handling
0.25 g0.50 g1.0 g
ERY-001 D-erythrose  175275
ERY-007 L-erythrose 175250340
ERY-002 D-[1-13C]erythrose 205340605
ERY-003 D-[2-13C]erythrose 5809851675
ERY-004 D-[3-13C]erythrose 172027304545
ERY-005 D-[4-13C]erythrose 5308751475
ERY-006 D-[UL-13C4]erythrose 5308751475
ERY-011 D-[1-2H]erythrose Request Price
ERY-012 D-[4,4'-2H2]erythrose Request Price

Listed product prices do not include shipping and handling charges.